Ulzzangs uses Photoshop

This is a picture of me. It is totally photoshopped so I would look like an ulzzang boy. I have watched ulzzang shi dae before and I learned that real ulzzang people uses photoshop on their photos. It's one of the requirements of being an ulzzang. (At least not to all ulzzangs. If they already have a perfect skin, face shape and others, then they don't have to use it. ^^) I really envy ulzzang's soft, pale, and flawless skins and also their face shape. And of course, their hairstyles as well as their fashion clothings. They really are so adorable and looks very perfect. How I wish I could look like them.

So when I knew they are using photoshop. I started photoshopping my pictures too. But there are people who hates photoshop. So, sometimes, I'm afraid of editing so much on my photos because they would bully you and tell ask you "Do you really look like that in personal?" and would comment "Hahaha. Photoshopped". And of course, you couldn't defend yourseld and tell then that it isn't Photoshopped. Because they would ask you to show yourseld through webcam. So I just comment back "Yeah it is!"

People nowadays are very judgmental. Whether you make good things at them or bad things. They would still judge you. So, please use photoshop carefully. Just an advice. I'm not telling you to not use Photoshop. Just be very careful as to when and where you would use it. :)

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